Sure, you will tell me tonight.
You’re a claimed neut, I get to give you some
Owls can be worthless
Crows can be powerful
We’ve only seen Crow claims so far actually IIRC Eevee’s exact role, it’s just a Brave Crow
I was messing with eevee by not telling him I was neut
Also some self pres because my kneecaps would be gone
Oh I know what you are SDA
Scared Owl?
I already fullclaimed to you nerd
Yeah so Scared Crow on the more mildly useful side right buddy
Oh yeah well I’m a cool beans iguana
So suck it
Actually it’s fluctuates between Crow and Owl
I’m half tempted to CC Marshal as neutral.
Possessed is TMIing PKR town
Change my mind
Do it u won’t
Wats ur woncon
U have burden of proof
Change mine
Jail and execute all neutrals. :^)
I saw that ninja-edit
It feels as if some major angleshooting happened that paints me as scum.