[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

It also has to have momentum thought, I don’t want to waste votes with the day mechanics in play here

If u could, could u quote me ur diggity reason, I kinda skip big posts

I’m on phone right now, but mainly it’s because they’re playing like I would as a wolf

They have 20 posts in the game and all of them add absolutely nothing of their own thoughts

Now that can be an argument but there is the fact everyone plays differently. Like meta is a thingg. And as I dont know diggitys meta, except that he slanked a lot in the GI I dont really have much to go with. I will say hes in the null pile for now, but like he hasnt done much to give my gut any vibes so far

I agree, but we have to kill someone, and Jake and Diggity are my top PoE

He also rather newish not everyone knows how to play, that is also amplified while ur scum, but like imo we give them time


Were you able to read me in FoL and Cop13er?

@Diggity69 I would love if u could come contribute in the next 24 hours as we want to have a lynch within that time to give us info. If u could a read of every player with a sentence to three explaining ur pov on them would be a great start or even trying to iso


No cause I had my friend goggles on and beleived u couldnt do no wrong. After killing me twice I realized I shouldnt give u that benefit of the doubt. Right now u remind me heavily of jojo, but i want to crossreference the others when im more awake

I feel like I can’t read you well because everytime we play these games I either get converted by you n1 or we kill eachother off quickly. It’s hard to solve people you actually know in a new type of game

The thing is realistically if u ask people how to read me, u will get a short and sweet answer, but yeah i would prob convert u for the lols if i was scum in FOL

Cop13er probably isn’t a good example of me in peak scum mode thought. I had no motivation and my hours at work were eating me alive then

If u want to read some of my games you can read the two games we played together recently for town games, and things like LOTRFM and Luigis Mansion for scum games.

Jake is this an iso u typing?

We start off with this post. I see no real way to read this.[quote=“Kyle20, post:773, topic:79742, full:true”]
Okay I’m caught up. I think it’s good to share what I know currently as sharing is caring.

I would consider my class to be fairly strong but I can die and it wouldn’t affect the game. I do have knowledge granted to me from my class that tells me a few things but I won’t reveal them right now as it’s not relevant to the current events in this thread, this info will still get out if I die so I’m not worried about sharing it right now

Currently I’m voting for diggity as I agree with the scumlean on them and I think we shouldn’t be afraid of voting quickly with this setup

/vote diggity

The first thing I don’t like. Not the vote on the person, but the context behind the scumread.
This was probably back when Diggity mentioned SDA (unfortunately) out of a hat. I saw and still see no reason to scumread them over that.[quote=“Kyle20, post:841, topic:79742, full:true”]
Unfortunately the way the game was paused has the game being active when im at work doing my 8 hour shifts so i wont be available for the next like 6 hours

I gleam nothing from this.[quote=“Kyle20, post:847, topic:79742, full:true”]
I’ll /vote arete though because i dont want to waste daytime

You say this, and you moved your vote in your lynchpool. I can see how a V!Kyle would do that.[quote=“Kyle20, post:853, topic:79742, full:true”]
And i think a quick first lynch works good for town

Mmmno. Sure, it allows us for an interesting debate on how long the clock should run, but a Quicklynch does not seem , and probably isn’t, optimal, because all you’re really doing is giving up conversation in exchange for extra time later to talk with less people who might average out to be lower quality than D1. D1 is the only time where everyone is alive.

This is as far as I want to go on mobile, but with just this select part, I don’t really like Kyle here.

We start off with this post. I see no real way to read this.

The first thing I don’t like. Not the vote on the person, but the context behind the scumread.
This was probably back when Diggity mentioned SDA (unfortunately) out of a hat. I saw and still see no reason to scumread them over that.

I gleam nothing from this.

You say this, and you moved your vote in your lynchpool. I can see how a V!Kyle would do that.

Mmmno. Sure, it allows us for an interesting debate on how long the clock should run, but a Quicklynch does not seem , and probably isn’t, optimal, because all you’re really doing is giving up conversation in exchange for extra time later to talk with less people who might average out to be lower quality than D1. D1 is the only time where everyone is alive.

This is as far as I want to go on mobile, but with just this select part, I don’t really like Kyle here.


What would u say the biggest three reasons hes scum?