[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]


This is not the first post your looking for

Do you see any posts above this one? Because it sure looks to me like I’m at the top of the screen

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Yeah about 158

Sign-ups don’t count and neither do posts by the host

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Theres still two more excluding that

No there aren’t

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Ok but for real this side of Arete is weird. And I dont know how to feel that they are relaxed and memeing

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Maybe this is their goal of not getting spked by Marshal night one

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I’m trying out a new playstyle this game, since it’s a weird set-up anyway I figured it’s a good time to try new things

Also that

Honestly the most +ev thing for me rn is outting so i will do so.

Im the flamekeeper. A neutral with the win-condition to survive make sure that the game ends with at least 50 hours left.

I have a few abilities and passives which i will keep some of them secret.

if i am lynched 25 hours are taken from the flame.

I can end a day cycle immediately, lynching whoever has the most votes.

i have a few more that i wish to keep secret(not anti-town, i promise) but im outting because i thought of a lot of strategies.

Im afraid pushing for quicklynch would just make me sus. and i might be able to do better whilist outted.

I imagine there are at most 4 beasts(can’t imagine more, with at least 1 neutral in game)

if each one takes 48 hours to be lynched, there is still time for a mislynch before the game is over.

if there are enough town mislynches im scumsiding but right now im as interested in solving the game as town is

because solving the game means town knows exactly where to go.

right now imma try to speed up the game

the first thing im implementing is RVS. this site doesn’t usually have RVS but for my wincon and the good of the town wincon RVS is nessecary.

Well hows ur new playstyle feel on wallposts?

Depends on the wallpost

/vote hippolytus
also fluffposting will be punishable by death

So I’m assuming this is a reactiontest because … it’s Marshal … but if not I don’t really see the harm in keeping him around?

Arete what u think, fps or real?

I do kinda just be cause kingmaker neuts in general suck, but like hes not main threat right now

Posted same time, dont need sass :frowning: