[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

So you want to possibly go for a different lynch since you’re now officially dead regardless of our first day lynch, knowing if I hit you I die too?

How is this town behavior?

Because now I know that you’ll be proven a liar no matter what there’s no risk that everyone else will just decide to ignore you

If we somehow lynch someone else and I die killing you…I want you to stay in dead chat with me so you can re-evaluate your read on me and I can tell you why you’ve been wrong.

The fact that you refuse to accept the very real (and very true) possibility that I’m not lying is hilarious

Let me correct this: Why we were both wrong

No see if this were actually a real post you’d just be doing that now, it’s not like your Iso to this point is going to be any different after we both die

Ur nerds

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I’ve explained why you’re wrong, and you’ve still tunneled me. You’ve refused to even gamesolve…you just want me dead because “hurr durr I can’t be wrong Possessed wolf”.

Acknowledge that you could be wrong here, because you are…and MAYBE we can progress a win for town.

I’m a nerd

Possessed is a wolf

There’s a difference

[citation needed]

By which I mean “this is a blatant lie and if you read my Iso it’s not even subtle about being a blatant lie”

The most baffling part is usually I agree with your reads, Arete. And they are usually good.

Theyve been awful agenda based pushes so far this game. Nit-picky, tunnelyy and pure arrogant pushes. Unfortunately, you picked a town big to agenda push and it doesn’t work out good for you.

So fun fact

Possessed just doubly TMIed me town


“Solving” one of what, 16? slots isn’t “gamesolving”. Get off your fucking high horse.

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looks at JoJo dead chat


If you are town, its not too late to make progress.

What you’re doing now is an act of desperation because if I’m not hung, you die.

So just to confirm, your claim is that I’ve only attempted to analyze one slot?

I agreed with the Uni read, we did that one together.

I literally said we could hang someone else and tomorrow you’ll be proven a liar

PKR, which youve went back on.

So ok. Who else is scum?

Honestly if I can force wolves to waste KP on me when I’m in the PoE and out Possessed as a liar I’m calling that a win