[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

I do use spaces, unless it’s in a case like “Alignment!Person” as I did before.


/vote MthJoker

You’re kind of obsessing too much over mechanics and completely ignoring reads here.

And what are your special abilities? To make sure you are not scum!sam ( :wink: )

Lel perfect timing. Haven’t you seen my soft?

Cit claim?

This one

Succes figuring it out :wink:

And if you figure it out don’t say it out in the open thanks

Accused Voters Count
Hippolytus MaximusPrime 1/9
Sam17z Firekitten 1/9
MaximusPrime HTM 2/9
Sarun Solic 1/9

I think I know what he is but I won’t say it cuz of secretz


I have two ideas. One begins with B, and the other begins with S. Am I correct?

1 Like

Yup :slight_smile:

Why soft that tho

What was the point

I already suspected one would come up with saruns logic, and if I didn’t mention that it was a soft people would probably have thought it was a bad try to meme

Btw Sarun unvote pls kthnxbye

Hmm, I still have some suspicions, but fine.


Kay I now realize it was pretty stupid but eh :man_shrugging:

Can’t undo it now

I wasn’t suspicious of you before but now I am

No idea why Sarun was sus of you but after you weirdly soft for no they reason they unvote tbh

Senseless d1 softing, obsessing with mechanics, and overracted a little just when he had a single vote on him.

I’m not familiar with M’s playstyle, but this typically indicates scum on some level.