[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

Also, can I have your list of reads so far?

I have the numbers fams who claim im “lone crazy rook”

when nobody asks for your reads

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Reads now

I’ll get to it, I don’t have an abundance of time at the moment. After reading I think my vote on you is providing information, so I will leave it there for now. Getting out the neutral survivor claim is a good option that we have as well now.

Frankly, I read you as a Lyncher-like class ala the Scorned with me as your target. You’ve been playing extremely aggressive since the game began, which you typically don’t do as you typically start out passively playing such as in CitJR or SFoL28 or any other match I’ve seen you play, yet for some reason it seems as you’re low-key tunneling on me since the start.

Aside from the abnormal d1 aggression that typically doesn’t come from you, here are a few key quotes that have you tunneling on me for some inexplicable reason or another.

The RVS is fine, it’s just that I wonder the reason why you focused me in particular. The fact that you suddenly dove right into me isn’t really that suspicious, but adding here with your lack of interaction with other players here and your obsession with me makes your intentions obvious.

In short, somewhat pointless assumptions to throw suspicion on me. For the first case you would not do this if you were scumhunting in good faith as were I scum I would not announce this so publicly and mention this in scum chat instead, additionally, this is way too aggressive to be d1 questioning in good faith.

The second case here is similar as here you are blatantly creating excuses for me to sound suspicious.

As before, here you are ignoring M’s blatant scumslips such as his soft-claiming along with Hippo and tunneling straight to me, a common behavior when it comes to Lyncher-like classes.

Additionally, you are not attempting to read anyone else albeit you have spent way too much time on me, and yet you still have not explained why I am so suspicious despite how you really want me lynched.

Plus, would you explain why are you leaving your vote on me despite no reasoning behind it even though I found and outed an extremely dodgy Survivor claim? And the ending here is a blatant LAMIST/Sheeping to make you look more townie.

This is why I wanted a read list from you in particular as you seem very devoted to scumhunting, however I have yet to see you interacting with anyone else here barring me, except Meme for his “I’m the real King” antics.

And let me guess, you’re claiming an investigative class, am I right?

Two pawn can have same class right ? Or i am gonna cc someone

you should claim now tbh, since only 2 have claim class

like it easy to find it

I am pawn sidekick btw since sarun claims it too i kinda doubt he is town.Bcs what is possibility of same aligment,same cheese piece and same class ? It seems rare to me

i don’t want mass claim but that soft pretty much say you class so i see no point to not claim

I claimed tho see above

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you two could guard each other and create mass effect :thinking:

Sidekick doesn’t guard tho ?

It’s a closed game. Same piece/class is evidence of nothing.

I mean it can be but why scum wouldn’t kill you ? Killing you would cause another great mislynch for tomorrow if you are town

Change Fool for Scorned. :wink:

Metaing me is just stupid as my play strategy is evolving and we are not just ordinary citizens here, but I appreciate the town lean from it. I realize that pointing that out does not do me any favours, but I couldn’t not say anything.

This is a good point. I did not see mafia had a day chat, but it was a baseless accusation in the first place in order to apply more pressure. You do not strike me as the type to succumb under a single vote, hence me being “overly aggressive”. I might have more means to protect myself as well now, so I might feel more free to be more aggressive than a citizen.

The reason is right behind it. Do not misrepresent my intentions please.

Finding a survivor claim, that honestly does seem pretty genuine from a single read through does not give you any town credence unless they actually flip mafia.

I am not claiming anything yet. I could be and I could not be.

It is funny that you would leap to “Scorned King” in order to discredit me. It is almost as if you know that I would flip non-mafia, because you are mafia, so you cannot go there.

I will be back in 10 hours or so to provide my reads as I promised, I have appointments to go to now.

I’m outed. My death would give inconclusive results in a NKA.

get out of my thread, pawn.
go fetch us real chess pieces some drinks!

Also I need to mention that you leapt to Scorned king, because I did not provide any reads yet, even though I specifically said I needed more time to look at it before.