[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!


Accused Voters Count
Hippolytus MaximusPrime 1/9
MaximusPrime HTM 2/9
Sarun Solic / Hippolytus 2/9
MtheJoker Sarun / Boss110 / Firekitten / Captain / Blizer / Unknown 6/9
Marluxion Memesky 1/9
Captain Margaret / Marluxion 2/9

Agreed. Hes most likely Neut or Scum, and im leaning heavily on scum.

Sarun what is your class type just testing something

IDK if its TvT or TvS. I want to revisit this if M flips neut, because this seems like something i want to revisit for future decisions.


Ok I am offensive too i checked wikia there seems to another kind of sidekick too.Was testing if you were another sidekick type

And wikia says my class is one of "Roles that are actually kind of annoying really

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what wikia are you even talking about


I’m a neutral. Just let cop check me tonight

Thats a fucking waste of a cop check. Your either neut or scum, and there is no reason to put resources onto you. That makes me want to lynch you even more.

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just let cop check him

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I’d rather hang actual scum today
a neut isn’t good enough for me

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I generally dislike how M is handling the situation in general, and he should know that a cop check on him is wasteful for town. Thats a waste of an invest check imo.

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So you rather lynch a neutral then a scum. And it isn’t a waste if it prevents a mislynch on a town oriented neutral

Your neut, you can side with scum or town. I generally dislike using a cop check on you, thats a horrible idea. Bringing that up makes you look scum, because you know you are screwed, but your trying to get off the hook for today and then trying to get the cop use his search on you, rather on someone else.

Try thinking from his perspective
his goal is to live
he doesn’t care what resources town wastes if it proves him not scum

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you can’t always look at everything from a town perspective or you wont be able to ever find scum


That is fair, and you are not wrong, you have to look at every perspective to see what would the scum do in this situation. Looking at this, M would be a good lynch for scum, because M would likely side with town, and would be an extra vote for them. I need to think things over about this situation, and look back at others posts before i change my vote.


The only thing i dislike about him, is that hes trying to get us to waste a cop check on him and his weird ass soft claiming.

What is this BS?
1.A neutral claim can be scum, and is usually some sort of scum.
2.A cop does not necessarily know if their target is Mafia, they can also be of the “town or not” variant who cannot discern neutrals from mafia.
3.A neutral with a survivor wincondition will not help the town when things go close, except maybe a 1v1v1. They are nearly the same as an actual scum in this case…

Marl doesn’t look like town.

Lynch the Joker today.
Marluxion tomorrow.
/vote Mthejoker