[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

Wait I didn’t really read those points, I just saw the vote on me. 1. No? Neut is neutral 2. Wtf is saying a cop can’t see difference between neut? He can 3. No 4 v 4 v 1 can help too

/Vote unkown

This is my first time playing with you. Im sorry, but like this is just awful from my POV. Im still thinking about it, im not 100% concrete on this vote. I`ll look at other posts to see if something is off.

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It seems to me that I didn’t get better since my first game. Heck I think I got worse since then. Only thing now is I can know the terms like flip…

Crying in a corner

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:bellhop_bell: :hammer: Ding Ding! Daily Announcement. 48 Hours left until the end of Day One!

/vote MtheJoker

Can confirm marl is cop by my N0 role check.

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Okay I see it now I’m gonna die. :frowning:

I’m a nooooot
@Kirefitten noots in? Pls?

MaximusPrime The Bishop, Null talked too little
Memesky The Rook, Null, but a good lynch target to filter out more shitposts
Hippolytus The Rook, Town lean, I am used to more activity as town, making him only a town lean in my eyes.
Solic The King, moi
Lightsin The Pawn, Null, but a good lynch target to filter out more shitposts
Firekitten The Pawn, Town lean, this does not remind me of FK’s scum game.
htm The Pawn, neutral lean, he is being less agressive than I am used to from town Htm, doublevoter
Blizer The Pawn, Town lean, very townie posts in general, but I think he is good at faking that too, so I am not sure.
Captain The Pawn, Town lean, I do not understand why he is deemed as so suspicious. He CC’ed nearly immediately and put the focus back on Sarun. Scum has no reason to out themselves like that. claims sidekick.
MtheJoker The Pawn, Self-admitted neutral, so scum confirmed
Margaret The Knight, Null, too few posts
Sam17z The Queen, Null, too few posts
Sarun The Pawn, scumlean, claims sidekick, Pushed mtthejoker, but then stopped pushing him after he softed a survivor claim, I am fine with lynching thejoker, but if he does flip survivor, I think Sarun should be our next lynch
Boss110 The Pawn, says his class allows him to “chill” out. Can mean many things, can protect himself, or does not need to scumread as much, because he is investigative.
Unknown The Knight, scumlean, reminds me of how I played as scum in a previous game. Pop up with one post and your vote to look town and leave it at that.
Marluxion The Bishop, conveniently says that if he claims, he will be useless. I get weird vibes from all his posts, so I’ll leave it at null for now.

It is too early to really read someone appropriately, so these are obviously very much subject to change

A Sarun lynch will give us some information on mthejoker and Captain since he is involved in both players. If Sarun would flip mafia, I’d trust thejoker’s survivor claim and Captain’s sidekick claim, so my vote is sticking on Sarun. Also I think we should use the time in the day, so I do not want to put thejoker closer to majority than he already is.

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Honestly I would be fine with a Sarun lynch as well.

/Vote Sarun

I said before that I see no reason why you would claim that as it made you useless plus someone else claims it.

Again, there is absolutely no indication for the role-list for this game so to lynch based on claims is a bad lynch in general. Also please explain why you are so adverse to lynching M?

I’m not voting you because he is claiming the same as you (part of the reason). I’m voting because you should of known not to claim as now your role is kinda useless tbh.

Meme asked for it though.

That’s the problem.

meme asked for it
You don’t just claim because someone told you to.

Because I have no need to hide it? Protective roles exist.

But this is lie.Sidekick is protective role actually

That’s not the point now whenever someone attacks you we can’t be sure you did it tbh.

Honestly we have 48 hours /Vote @MaximusPrime hi please say something towny?

It is just different bodyguard

Sidekick is not a protective role. The entire point of the role is to get in the Mafia’s way.

Yes but you protect others from dying force them into yourself

I am not at all adverse to lynching M. I am completely fine with lynching either of you. We still have 48 hours to find out new information though, so why accerelate the process?

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I meant that to FK. He’s basically trying to avoid lynching M and seems to be taking any distraction to go through it. If M flips Mafia, FK is a good lynch.