[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

I threw suspicion on Sam for his first two comments and then I started the wagon.

Something else to keep in mind.

Additionally, he did not scumhunt the entire game at all.

Low-key trying to CFD the wagon off his scum partner. It should be obvious here.

That, is a fair assumption. I still dislike the entire thing and i want Marg to provide a solid reasoning to why she did this.

What CFD means btw ?

Chinese Fire Drill, to basically swap several people from a wagon onto another. Both town and mafia can use this strategy to direct or misdirect lynches.


Honestly, it defintley looks like a low key CFD, your not wrong. Im still getting bad vibes from this tbh.


Accused Voters Count
Margaret Solic / Blizer / Captain 3/7
Sam17z Marluxiom / htm / Sarun / Margaret 5/7

You can check my this post btw.I saw some more scummier plays from Sam here too.He wanted Marl to lead town or die while he is not iso’İng anyone


Like this i mean if i am gonna post again but i still wanna hear Marg too.He wants Marl to lead while he is doing nothing

You have said a lot about Sam. What do you think about how Margaret is playing this? Don’t tunnel on people. We have 3 clear options today: no lynch, lynch Sam and lynch Margaret.

I’ll need more posts from Celeste. You can’t read her d1 as she just memes instead of playing.

And no lynch isn’t an option when you have a blatantly scummy player like Sam on the stand.

And in the famous words of Thomas Danforth…

“shut up exe”

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Meh I want to give everyone a chance to see this first in case an invest can clear either one or has found someone that we can then occupy.

Why not Marg ? She is locking lynches one of scummy plays i have seen too

Because that’s her day ability.

This also reads like a blatant refusal of trying to change your tunneling as it’s the only post in which you address her.

Max voted Bliz start of day btw.He may have been found something

Why would she have used it though. Sam was already getting voted up. This just locks us in a possibly bad spot if we find someone else that is actually confirmed scum.

This is spot on.