[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

Yeah imo it doesn’t help town much.Even if her day ability

Theories here. Since Marl knew about Celeste’s ability then I’d assume that he’s probably a neighbourizer and wants her to do this in order for her to waste her one-shot ability as Gladiators are only useful in a completely disorganized town, which isn’t the case here.

I see several posts who are just attacking Margaret and not a single one that defends Sam’s innocence here, just to put it out there.

vote sam

Ok guys i am going to sleep hippo made 6/7 votes on sam.Please don’t lolhammer it.We still have things to discuss

Yeah, please one of you unvote. We should at least use the day… I think both haven’t properly addressed us honestly.


RVS, just don’t like him at all

i checked Hippo sorta cause fuck him

so any developments?

yh and I’m town so get rekt

u best sheep me forever as u know I’m town or u confirmed scum max.

srsly why didn’t they kill the cop claim either. killing fire is just so weird lawl.

how r u confirmed town tho

and what if your reads are horrible like usual

also i can barely do anything

im almost useless

how tf is a cop useless m8

cuz u checked me and my ability means I can’t be gf or sk so :fu::smirk::fu:

btw I’m trying a new thing called zen hippo it’s basically where I just become p shit but it’s a lot more relaxing

i’m a detective m8

also what ability

oh well that’s disappointing

still u know I’m town in ur heart, m8

:woman_shrugging: I like watching them argue


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