[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

Wait why do you have two votes?

I didn’t see anything in my classcard about that so let’s see if I have it too

Because I am a double voter

Nvm then

Both Hippo and I already pressure him.


I am not so that is just a coincidence

Yup not scum indicative at all. How let’s preassure the afks.

I thought of a link.

Rook = castle = knights live in a castle = knights can kill people = I am a serial killer

so it kind makes sense i guess


Also fk votes me d1 every game so that vote doesn’t mean much

Accused Voters Count
Hippolytus MaximusPrime 1/9
Sam17z Firekitten 1/9
MaximusPrime HTM 2/9
Sarun Solic 1/9

Wait that is actually true.

How did I not notice that lol

A bit too defensive for the RVS to my tastes.

/vote Sam17z

I thought it was a ritual

I have found a link aswell

Pawns are sacrifisers(? Being sacrificed? Idk) = I… Wait no that doesn’t make any sense


/vote Maxi (I guess now Maxi will make me look crazy? He does crack under pressure tho I think)

Scum!Maximus typically acts like a dick when pressured. Town!Maximus also does it but not as often.

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Why do you always not put spaces after your explanation points? It kindve triggers me

Your just a pawn in a larger scheme sarun. While I am the queen of the castle