[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

Aswell, i avenged you by getting Sarun lynched. See, it goes full circle :grinning:

Sam is blaming max more then Celeste when Celeste forced Town to lynch between two Town and then misvoted.


Anyone can accuse others of bussing. You didn’t have any analysis like I had that showed Unknown’s wagon was a bus. Additionally, your reactiveness d1 made you look very poorly IMO.

Why does noone sheep me. :confused:

You need to be more convincing.

Well, aside from your d1 reactivity and passiveness. And the night kill analysis on FK that Marl WIFOM’d. And your soft defense of Unknown. Marl basically picked the optimal target to frame d2.

Honestly I think night kill should be used as some evidence but shouldn’t be the whole case for a lynch.

See my post above. Sam self-incriminated himself too much during the first day to the point that a night kill on you was just enough to seal his fate.

Nah I agree sam did it to himself just saying that is what I think

But heres the thing. Since you were a main reason why Sam got myslynched, plus how you acted with Marl and Joker, was a reason why i got you myslynched. Being Mafia is fun.

Yes, because I pushed hard against 2 scummy players, M and Sam, I totally am scum. Claiming a player is scummy because they pushed on the mislynch of a completely scummy player is just braindead town play.

But, thats not the main reason why i got you myslynched. Your general D1 behaviour, plus how you kinda buddied with Marl, then said he had bussed unknown (Which both me and him did) and i used that to say you were trying to distance yourself from him, trying to make your self look more town (Which you were and trying to do). Plus i claimed a Town protective, and you stated that you redirected me, which also helped further doubt with people, because Maxi died that night, due to claiming an investigative role. Your pushes werent the reason you died, your actions and behaviour was the reason you got myslynched, along with a Maf DV.

Also another reason is how the game panned out. It didnt really do you any favours in that department aswell.

I redirected you as I was suspicious of your entire behavior towards Sam as you seemed far too confident such a scummy player would flip town, and I was correct. And again, my analysis was correct that Marl bussed Unknown once I rechecked his wagon d3. My play was proper as I focused on intentions and motivations while the rest of the town focused only on results, which is why they fell for the bussing and turned on me for mislynching a scummy townie, along with excessive focus on mechanics which is why the morons here thought CCing in a closed setup was a good idea.

marl bussed someone?

I told you 80% time he gets scum it’s cuz he bussed


I CC that

The Unknown lynch was based off nothing. From my perspective it was just a mislynch

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The CC’ing totally cleared Captain as town for me though. I thought that was a good move. Rolling 4 town offensives is also really unheard of to me, but I guess things like that can happen.

it hurts because it’s true