[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

Hi @Kirefitten.

Wait a sec.

Dice Roll??

Triggering Intensifies



jk, it’s required to be honest. (So people don’t flip out when reading this)

It means, what has been written in my quote. :smiling_imp:


…unknown you hydra’d with me
and now you won’t join my FM game
this has been N O T E D

I don’t like ITA’s

have you ever played in a game with them

trust me it is illegal to knock ITAs until you’ve actually tried them
they’re a glorious mechanic

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:bellhop_bell: :hammer: Aaand all slots are full! I’m starting rolling however it might take a while, so please arm with patience. If anyone would like to spectate, please let me know during confirmation stage and D1.






Any one figured out the mechanics of why you are a certain piece?


rook squad where u at

oh wait i think i got rook and pawn muddled up

rooks are castles right?

No, they’re the king

Yes they’re the castle but you could’ve just googled that

But then you wouldn’t have been able to answer a question correctly for the first time ever. Thank me later for the opportunity :blush:.