[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

But yeah, if we have a real Vigilante here, shot M. I still believe he is mafia, but from the looks of it I don’t think we can get a wagon on him now.

/vote Unknown

And? What?

there is no info about class type in wiki, i think they really are sidekick and because my class are connect to them in one way

Not good enough reason.

To be honest, you’re just mucking around with the vagueness. Just spit it out.


all i say is i doubt they will fake sidekick class type as offensive that all

I Dont even…

I believe the claims of sidekick, there is no reason to disbelieve them at all. This comment makes no sense, because we already know this.

I’m not the only one noticing his bs right?

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No, im seeing this shit right now. I dont even know what this logic is.

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pawn class have something connect well, atleast three of us

I think he means that it’s impossible to fakeclaim Sidekick effectively like how it’s impossible to fakeclaim Drunk in FoL/SFoL.

Are you claiming sidekick aswell?

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Oh boy three sidekicks but no batman

nope, but i am offensive

so 3 pawn have offensive class, isn’t that weird?

It’s like saying that the cake I ate last week had something to do with the pie I ate this week.

It means nothing.

HTM is a Pawn and he’s a Double Voter and M is a pawn but claims Survivor.


agin i was just point something here, i could choose to stay silent that it

I really want to vote boss right now.

Something seems off with them imo

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Idk if this is just me, but i have a gut feeling one of these 3 is scum.

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