[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

Accused Voters Count
Hippolytus MaximusPrime 1/9
MaximusPrime HTM 2/9
Sarun Solic / Hippolytus / Captain / MtheJoker / Memesky / Firekitten / 6/9
MtheJoker Unknown 1/9
Marluxion Memesky 1/9
Unknown Marluxion / Boss110 / Margaret / Sarun / Blizer / 5/9

Then why did you like Marls post about max being Town?

I did the heinous sin of claiming d1 because Meme asked for it.

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Because I honestly have a gut feeling of Max being town, albeit I put a FoS on him for basically being inactive the entire match.

i mean

that’s really scummy to say

cause i was actually sleeping/busy

and if you check the forums and other threads and ask around to angleshoot and shit

you’ll realize that i wasn’t on at all

kinda contradictory but ok

I still find boss really sus but no one is going to vote him with me which makes me sad.

Because you’re seeing suspicions everywhere. Boss’ post was weird, but it was not scummy in nature.

i would but then people would call me scum

oh wait they already do

fuck it

/vote Boss

Accused Voters Count
MaximusPrime HTM 2/9
Boss110 MaximusPrime 1/9
Sarun Solic / Hippolytus / Captain / MtheJoker / Memesky / Firekitten / 6/9
MtheJoker Unknown 1/9
Marluxion Memesky 1/9
Unknown Marluxion / Boss110 / Margaret / Sarun / Blizer / 5/9

FK, can you explain why everyone is being suspicious to you?

1.Boss is acting weird because he says that captain and you are Town due to mechanics which he has yet to prove

2.You claimed to meme

3.Joker claims survivor yet hinted at bodyguard.

And why the hell is claiming to meme even a scumtell?

It’s not. It’s just like a really dumb thing to do to claim to meme just because he asked for it

So you’re voting me up because you think me claiming to meme was dumb.

Right, I’m getting a heavy scumlean from FK over this shit. You don’t up people for listening to Meme or hypothesizing like Boss.

I’m voting you up because I didn’t expect you to claim to meme.

There was 0 reason to.

Hell, see your reaction to M’s push. Rather than upping the scummy survivor claim you essentially was looking to weasel your way out.

There is zero reason to withhold information as town.

I’m willing to lynch the survivor but we have time right now to wait.

Not when you can catch a bad guy.