[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

They have :thinking:

Tw1 said that this is a bastard game - If Solic dies, we might just lose.


(Maybe it’s bastard cuz jester tho)

Jester isn’t technically considered to be a fully-blown bastard class. It’s cancer on most setups, but not bastard.

But if solic is mafia we need to lynch him ?

I am pretty sure its just a puzzle with figures

@Twil1ight does jester count as bastard to you?

Can you show your double vote please thank you

Jester is an inherently bastard class in closed setups, yes.

It’s different for closed setups

Solic isn’t fucking mafia
Go backread unknown like i said twice now

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Despire my preferences, Jester generally count as bastard role.


Yes he is not but i was saying if he was mafia.

/vote Bliz

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Accused Voters Count
Blizer MaximusPrime / htm 3/8
Margaret Margaret 1/8
Lightsin Captain / Marluxion 2/8

/vote Lightsin

2 for 2?

Where is the reasons of vote ? I can’t see it


@MaximusPrime red check on Blizer or RVS?