So you misclaimed my class. Idk that is majorly sus.
Ok just like how u misclaiming my class?
Where did he claim JOAT?
“Generally”? There is more than one town wildcard don’t know why you would assume it was JOAT
Town Wildcard my boi
Didn’t you claim gladiator!
Wut ?
I forgot that im with non-??? Players
Literally in the same posts I said town wildcard. I said developer
Yes, but do u know what I do?
“During the day the Gladiator can choose someone. Usually done in the same manner a daykill is, he can CHALLENGE . All votes are reset. Only two players are now votable, the Gladiator and his target. It is almost always one-shot.”
I clearly know what you do
Ha ha my boy
Wanna hear something else?
Claim list:
Marg - Gladiator
Sam - Developer
Maxi - Detect
Joker - Surv
Decisions decisions, should I tell about the addtl effect
Nah, either way Sam, u dead tonite
/vote Margret