[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!

So you misclaimed my class. Idk that is majorly sus.

Ok just like how u misclaiming my class? :thinking:

Where did he claim JOAT?

“Generally”? There is more than one town wildcard don’t know why you would assume it was JOAT

Town Wildcard my boi

Didn’t you claim gladiator!

1 Like

Wut ?

:woman_facepalming: I forgot that im with non-??? Players

Literally in the same posts I said town wildcard. I said developer

Yes, but do u know what I do?

“During the day the Gladiator can choose someone. Usually done in the same manner a daykill is, he can CHALLENGE . All votes are reset. Only two players are now votable, the Gladiator and his target. It is almost always one-shot.”

I clearly know what you do

Ha ha my boy

Wanna hear something else?

Claim list:

Marg - Gladiator
Sam - Developer
Maxi - Detect
Joker - Surv

Decisions decisions, should I tell about the addtl effect :thinking:

Nah, either way Sam, u dead tonite


Why you are going to kill me?

/vote Margret