[SFM] Chess Mayhem - Night Five - Mafia and Survivor Wins!


Hey, hey hey! It’s time for another day!

Memesky was found dead last night!

He was…



Town Social
Each night you can send a message to another player.
Defeat any faction and neutrals who would try to oppose you.

Day Five has begun! Majority is 4!

/vote Solic

I played like garbage, but at last we arrive

at Checkmate.

/vote solic

/vote Solic

hammer already I think?


@Twil1ight hammer


since i’m like 90% sure tw1 is going to call the game
Solic is by FAR the mvp this game
I wish i could have joined his townbloc

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Oh agree. He played really well, and held his ground on his decisions and thoughts. We just pushed for the myslynches and Sarun set himself up to get myslynched after the Day 2 sam myslynch.

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I mean tbh I played awfully because scum DV is rare so I thought nobody would notice me…

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But, that D1 Bus though.

He also called out 3 scum d1 on scumreads alone so


it was bad and i should feel bad

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Agreed. I was like the only one that was out of the spotlight, and could give myself town cred, with what happend in the game.

game could still be not over if joker is an arsonist and not a survivor

Could be tbh.

well gentlemen if we all explode it was a pleasure doing business with you


@Twil1ight you there my dood?

Accused Voters Count
Captain Marluxion / htm / Blizer 4/4

Solic The King has been lynched!

We found a logbook next to his body:

Obviously Lynch Htm and Marl, 100% priority for any town left. Work with NK, if you have to.


He was…


Innocent Child

Town Social
At day you can reveal yourself in thread as “Innocent Child”.
Defeat any faction and neutrals who would try to oppose you.

I believe there is no need to prolong this any longer.

Mafia successfully defeated Town. @Htm @Blizer @Unknown @Marluxion wins!

Survivor manage to survive in this hell in the end. @MtheJoker wins!

A summary is coming soon!

Good job me with copy pasting…

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