[SFM] Clown Fiesta Mafia SIGNUP THREAD (20/20)


/shake it all about

dooooo the hokey pokey

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/and you turn around

That’s what it’s aaaaaaaal about

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Oh my god I remember that from Nursery

You put your left leg in
Your right leg out
in out
in out
shake it all about
you do the hokey pokey and you turn around
and that’s what it’s all about
ooohhh ooohhh hokey hokey pokey
ooohhh hokey pokey pokey
knees stretched arms out RAH RAH RAH


Im ready for this to start, seems like itll be fun

It’d have been hilarious if someone joined before you typed /in.

Wait this is Hearthstone flavored? Ah crap I’m gonna lose again

i believe its a mish-mash of a bunch of different flavors, as decided in that poll thread

thats actually the third time hippo inned

one for each of his alts

Unbalanced and Absurd clown fiesta.
Flavour is most HS, some SCP and some Jojo.

Oh Christ

I’d love it even more if no context was given for the HS spells and only players of the game know it. Totally not because I think I know almost every minion/spell/hero

sounds legit

I used to play Rogue/Hunter/Mage/Paladin. I now play a lot of Priest.
I’ve helped my partner to grind up levels using his Warlock/Druid.
I’ve played some Warrior (Bomb Warrior and control Warrior).
I have a friend who only plays Shaman and I made myself a Shaman deck this set.


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it’s already full dude, sorry

and there seem to be more than a couple back ups?

you might have to wait a while or ask someone for their spot

ok so nvm, htm switched to spectate so only wazza is a backup (assuming they still want to play)
