[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins


Which he probably does

The only players we can narrow down is eli and derps as non NSF.

I feel like at this point despite lynching 3 scum in a row we’re at a disadvantage

Erika couldn’t be NSF either because of double vote.

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My cat is going through labor.

Might be semi inactive dk tho


:joy_cat: cuuute

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Currently the N3 nightkill is down to the following:

Eevee (unlikely)
Eli’s target assuming he did something N3

The NSF Leader POE for now is

Min (unlikely)
Amelia (unlikely due to the RT)

Tell me if I missed anything.

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I think that looks right

Ngl, I’m tempted to give Eli 10 pings.

Well wait, could Eevee still be NSF?

Not sure if they just faked those checks

very unlikely since hes claiming PR and min got no results from Eevee

If NSF is Di I don’t see way not

But Min’s check wouldn’t matter

Though I agree maybe unlikely because of the claim. Just saying not mech confirmed exactly.

So eevee claimed to be shot n1 right?

Eevee also has good knowledge on the game.

I don’t think it confirms them,but I don’t think it makes them a good lynch

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Plus if Eevee is NSF, then we are gonna expand our POE way more than this since Derps and Eli would still not be confirmed.

Well, if Eevee is NSF, Eli and Derps can’t be

Sorry, replied to wrong post