[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

That’s what I want to figure out today.

Even if I’m CL.
We’ve still miscleared a NFW then.
Converts can be dealt with later.

Alright I kinda exist but I’m tired

Accused Voters Count
Intensify SoulShade55r, Min, AtNoName 3/6

So like

Intensify is Probabaly Illuminati at the very least

Bruh I thought I just resolved all the arguments and reasoning against me.

I was just greenchecked.
So no not really. Unless Illuminati Leader has invest-immunity

I’m not gonna re-evaluate my reads because

  1. I still don’t know who else could be NSF other than you
  2. just because you answered doesn’t mean you get cleared.

Well clearly there’s something wrong then, we have 2 starting scum + converts still

It means that I just cleared every reason that you had to push me.

Like I said, who is it?


Hey, you here?

I’m wondering what you’re thinking rn.


We still have like days to figure it out.

Playing pokemons rn, sup

based af

Do you agree that intensify is scum?

We’ve had weeks to come up with something :roll_eyes:

But surely it can’t only be me who’s in PoE.
There has to be someone else

You are the only one without a single sr

How the hell is that possible.
We have a Godfather and Illuminati Leader left presumably.

Idk how it’s possible. You tell me.

I know how.

You’ve miscleared 2 people then.

Who is like really really cleared and who is not.

I definitely can not be the only person who is not cleared











We have these 10 people here

1 is Nfw Godfather
1 is Illuminati Leader
2 are converts

How am I supposed to fit all of those categories as one person?