[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Like I fuckin know.

as i’ve said
your thing
is completely unprovable
and thusly we have no reason to not lynch… yet

I would think they could redirect someone

not into their ownscum buddies/themselves.

This early on it is so risky on n1 to redirect someone you have no idea who they are to yourself especially if you’re evil.

I never read this. Have you played this setup before?

No I haven’t

This is my first fm game

Hold on I’ll have to check the Sorcerer Rolecard on the FoL Page.

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Also that was a joke

its just a glorified arsonist as a joke

NM it was nothing

It was part of FoL.

Sorc is literally just sk + arson

No shit.
The word “bomb” was there so I wanted to double check Sorcerer did that.

It’s also possible they targeted the other scum team and not their own buddy.
PKR was Redirected to the Bomber.
That’s it.

The only thing I know of is the Plague and I’m still confused what that is.
Also does anyone know what the bomb does?

How big do you think both scum teams are??

Yes like the converting minority starts with a redirector and a converter

I’m thinking of 3 for the NSF, 1 for the illuminati and 1 NK

I honestly didn’t read this setup I just know I’m UNATCO Professor
Doctor Class

Well who do you think the NSF/Illuminati is?