[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Ah, so it begins, just give me the GEP gun.

I don’t know how I feel about Centuries this time around. Like I have a decent track record of reading Cents, but I will need to think on this slot some more. I also don’t know how I feel about min. Those 2 are the ones who stick out the most to me currently

It’s important because if you don’t do much d1 you usually go into the PoE I should know about that

I’m at work RN, I’ll probably read up later or at least skim through it.

No worries, I just wanna make sure everyone’s at least alive

Also cuz I wanna compare first posts lol

Anything notable happened so far? Or just the normal.

Nah nothing of much note

Most of the normal.
Nothing too of note

I’ll give you a question.

If you had 5 Gold what would you buy from this list and why?

(Assuming these are all 1-Shot’s)

Alignment Cop - 4 Gold
Gun - 5 Gold
Douse - 1 Gold
Heal - 3 Gold
Roleblock - 1 Gold
Rolestopper - 2 Gold
Bus Driver - 2 Gold
Redirector - 1 Gold
Jailkeeper - 3 Gold
Framer - 2 Gold

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Hello gorta

Is me sticking out a bad thing?

Not really, it’s just I am getting pings that I don’t completely understand yet

Ohhh alright thx for answering also lemme answer surge rq

Could you be more specific?
Like is it their Playstyle? Or a sort of tone?

I would buy 2 framers and a roleblock :^)

Seriously, why there is framer on this list to begin with, lmao.

It’s possible, like the thing that makes Cents stick out is that it’s slightly different from what I remember

Part of the Reaction Test.
And because it’s something obviously scum Aligned.
Your reaction here is good because your reaction towards me adding framer feels more lean Town. Although the reads weak I still like your reaction.

His play style that is

I could do quite a few things with that list lol but if I like actually have to specifically choose 5 douses lol


Like you didn’t be like
“Oh definitely Framer Lol”
That would have been NAI.

However, the way you responded to it was more Townie then scummy IMO.

If you would have chose Alignment Cop I would have instantly TR’ed you.
As I don’t see scum having the need to check alignment. (Except maybe to find the other scum)

RN your still Null to me.

Anyway, got to get back to work.