[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Inb4 soul intensify is I/N

Iā€™m literally always on the fence about stuff

My brain doesnā€™t work like that I need to list people for POE.

I actually got pushed for doing this as Prince before

Iā€™m just trying to be honest I dont want to make up bs that I dont believe in

We literally dunked on Seth/Leafia meawhile

Very passive players relative to the 2 yeets are not in your NSF reads

Thatā€™s fine.

But thatā€™s also why readlists suck to begin with.

If you donā€™t have motivation to read whole thread, read likeā€¦ 2-3 peolpe and get some definite stances on them instead.


Putting some pressure on that slot.

Hehe the lad comes

I somewhat agree :confused: I just do what people ask of me but I awnser honestly and get shit for it

Too much null:

Also lets ignore soul outright saying and listing POE

I didnā€™t ignore u

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Your POE is lazy becouse Iā€™m on it, duh

Mind posting some and explaining some?

I said I had a suspicion on them before, hence why me doing the ISO dive and me clearing up some things about them.

I thought I said ā€œHey day 2 was pretty good, the rest of the ISO is eh oh well, I think Soul is a townlean. Tone also towny I guess.ā€

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Of course you will be bias to yourself

Also hi I here to drive buses as scum.

Iā€™m gonna go ISO Gorta now since I have lots of time.

We still havenā€™t really come to a conclusion on why Gorta was killed and cleaned out of all people.

Intensify like some of the words u used just made ur post sound like you were unsure on soul

At least to me

Yes itā€™s my posting style,
if Iā€™m unsure on everything, that means I can never be wrong

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Actually Iā€™m kinda happy for your reasoning on me, lol.

Especially considering previous discussion.

intensify is perhaps based

Iā€™m just going to use this as a lazy example post

But I hate this especially how early it is I always feel like scum Passively will post this to make their town agender stronger.

In general Iā€™ve not dived through your isos but I gathered you really havenā€™t done too much yourself, I actually like the big wall post about me tho.

Hence me calling them reads without really much detail.

I donā€™t want to use being lazy as a problem but ye.

I dunno maybe I need to look in a mirror but honesty you have felt quite passive to me.

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That was a day 1 post asking 4 reads lol.

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Makes me sound angry for you asking for clarification on day 4 which isnā€™t a problem by then but It does feel more towards the line of asking it and not really saying much in return at least thats how Iā€™ve currently looked at it

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