[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

yeah but the twist is that he claimed Day 1

To be more exact - thats a role which existed, doesnt mean it had to spawn.
Or that it wasnt changed.

So far all NSF roles had small changes, but all Unatco roles staied pretty much the same.

Didn’t he also claim cop at some point

Why do you need to justify me flipping town in your reads?

for a RT

I like to justify everyone flipping as town

Because you’re scum who needs to hedge?

Thing is I always hedge.

Cuz your scum who needs to throw shade?

Nah stfu m8.

the only reason Derps was being SRed was from Leafia’s few post.

Imagine if leafia actually outed one of her scumbuddies

Heres the thing, you aren’t Dat

The thing which concinces me is that it did happen is how much they lated pretended to do the same with gorta/Derps

Imagine unironically jumping to the conclusion I’m literally changing my opinion about you even though I stated you were my top scum read

Problem is your trying to pretend the situation is worse then it is and been mis quoting me on purpose

Guys I’m sorcerer derps was immune to my magic missile hes godfather

You legit have only mentioned my name like 2 times all game before now

I’m not voting the vig claim today probs, but you better shoot something tomorrow.

I gotta go back to work now tho

Derps also just out of context misquoted something Where I put stuff relative to what I said :joy_cat:

Actually I’ve mentioned you waaay more if you wanna go through my isos

Have fun nerds

I just did I counted about 4