[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Oh but weren’t they anti-spewing anyways?

Sorry I actually needed to think for a bit.


I’m a bit dead now.

But when i heard two enforcer claims I was debating whatever or not to just fake claim I figured that might just frick us over so I’d soft protective

But when 3 claims happened I was honestly thinking holy shit one of them have to be fake

I mean are we sure 3 max of the same roles? Even so 4 enforcers and 3 vigs sounds dumb asf

You’re not Enforcer?


Are you or are you not Enforcer?

I could see Whysper’s thought process a bit.

But them claiming a bit early could be questionable.

No i was thinking of fake claiming when we had 2 atno/eevee

I literally said I was enforcer

Ok yeh sorry my bad you said fakeclaiming and I got a little confused

I felt like someone had to be shitting the bed

So you can’t? Those two players are dead, so obviously they can’t top scumread at rn. Yet you’re stunned people flipped on him. So I ask you again. Who has named at even in their top scumreads that is alive rn? Who are you shading/referring to here?


I swear someone said enforcer doesn’t directly remove bombs


Your post is a little confusing to me

My role card definitely talks about removing bombs but hey

uhh what?

It says so in the rolecard?

So what now?
It removes bombs?

I think someone said enforcer wouldn’t remove a bomb from someone at somepoint

You’ve sent shade towards me but you actually slightly pushed me but literally gave up

you then barely pushed confirmed evils like at all you said what everyone knew “lol prob scum” and just let it go but since there wasn’t much to say I’ll give a pass.

You then sent shade towards cent soul eevee whys and intensify and you’ve barely pushed any of them like at all LUL.

who tf said it?

It actually makes me wonder if you can NOT remove bombs, since as its writen it seems optional.