[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

thats why this is so hard

If Whypser is evil, then they were either tailored or are a GF or whoever cop checked them is covering for them.
It has to be one of those 3 scenarios.
Besides Iā€™m trying to remember how T!Whysper plays compared to S!Whypser as Iā€™m sure they play both sides quite differently.
Yet here comes bed time.
Iā€™ll need a clear head for this before I think of casting a vote on either Intensify or Whysper.

Its likely there is a gf type role according to eevee. And we are late enough in the game to be suspect of invest results since cult might have a team. Idk could just be confbiasing

the enforcer claim gives me more pause than the check

is it weird that I only have Intensify as my only SR?

There must be a team somewhereā€¦

Oh yeah, I forgot Eli is also one of my SR too

but that doesnā€™t make up for how many scums there are supposed to be for this day.


I want Intensify to show up here tbh.

What time is eod 8 est?

Only you know these things Derps. If you are willing, youā€™ll tell me, and if youā€™re not, you wonā€™t. I canā€™t force you to tell me ā€“ I donā€™t want to force you. Iā€™d like you to help me understand. Would you tell me when day ends?


We can safely assume that the cult has 3 members now and if we eliminate a town then by SoN4 weā€™re at 6v5.
After 1 night kill, it would be a 5 v 5.
Which means we need either NSF or Illuminati eliminated today or town loses majority likely by SoD5.
Though thatā€™s assuming Gorta who was cleaned was a villager.

NSF wonā€™t cooperate with Illuminati.

I mean in theory you could lynch scum every day and still lose, but likeā€¦ itā€™s not that easy.
They are enemy factions and want to kill each other too.

Hell, NSF could actually kill own members if it suspected them.

NSF and Illuminati will obviously try to kill each other once the town is no longer standing in their way.
As I said before, early game they need each other to reduce town numbers.


Stop ot

Iā€™m not sorry for this joke, lol.

I understand it and Iā€™m Probabaly the only one who does

Iā€™d rather let Intensify talk before I vote them. Weā€™ve had a few quick hammers this game and this isnā€™t a good habit to cultivate as town.

Few other people would actually understand, but likeā€¦ they are not here, so yes.