[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins


Yeah but in theory once weā€™re a smaller threat to them than a coordinated illuminati they will turn to help us kill them. They will probably shift before it becomes inevitable.

Yes thatā€™s probably the biggest hurdle to winning this game for town.
The cult remind me of rats and not for a good reason.

rat cult bastards

I have a chem test today


I see 2 options.

Either cult is literally leading the town with smart converts or they failed them.

Thread doesnā€™t feel like going ā€œfollow the poeā€ works. And itā€™s scaring me.


Everyone sheepā€™s the same votes it seems like

Also I really donā€™t like separate voting threats

It makes it really hard to tell whoā€™s voting if you donā€™t constantly go back to it

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Min UwU

Itā€™s not about sheeping same votes.
Itā€™s macroread.

Current game situation makes no sense if all scum is in poe.
Hell, it actually makes no sense if half of scum is in poe.

That or all the scum are wolf Eli cloned

you think weā€™ve miscleared?

NSF could def be in PoE cuz they arenā€™t doing too good but Cult is Probabaly in a good spot

Possibly from ā€˜bussingā€™ NSF with redchecks

Derps, I hate that you are following my opinion without questioning it.

I know it helps you, but likeā€¦ stop going after me in both reads and suspects.
Make something yours.

Eevee buggin

I mean I min is possibly convert

I think*

Yeah, I might be paranoid.
But likeā€¦ there is barely any opposition to current thread state.

Itā€™sā€¦ boring.
And boring is definetly not a good indicative.

Well, I donā€™t know how to explain macrogame reads in general, but I guess itā€™s udnerstandable enough.

/vote Erika

Brb while I put this in vote thread

I just mean wrt derps agreeing with you

I feel this

But like with all reads yk