[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Is no one gonna give me reasoning for the vote on me?

There’s two groups of pushers here, people who think I’m convert and people who think I’m starting scum and no one gives reasoning for pushing me

I think you’re converted and I’ve explained why myself

you have been scummy today.

Accused Voters Count
Intensify ErikaFurudo, AtNoName, Whysper 4/7
ErikaFurudo SirDerpsALot 1/7
AtNoName Amelia 1/7
Whysper Intensify 1/7


Who do you believe is Illuminati Leader?

Could you explain this more?

Also do you think I’m convert or starting scum

idc about who you are really are, you are scum.

You asked a question that benefit scum more than town and then when the 4 enforcer claim came, you proceed to throw unnecessary shade onto my slot.

In his defense like everyone thought you had to be scum here

I explained why I asked that question already. Also, I assume this means that because of only 1 question I asked, I must be scum?

When the 4 Enforcer claims came, what do you think my response was gonna be. Amelia green checked 2 of them and we never thought Eevee was lying. You were the only possible scum at that point.

yeah but going “why did everyone townread AT” was in my opinion more scummy than town.

Also if intensify is converted it depends on wether or not ur cl would distance from you

Oh okay fair enough

Ok so apperently we’re killing the convert here (I’m not the convert but you guys think I am so shrug)
without even knowing who CL is.

It’s much easier to find converts compared to cl? lol

no we’re yeeting the wolfiest player today which is you


Yes, I asked why did all of us suddenly put NoName as town. I am asking for the reasonings why, why do you think that’s scummy. I want the reasoning for the reads.

Well if I’m flipped today, you’ll see why convert hunting isn’t great when we don’t even know who CL is

I still dont really believe Intensify w tbh