[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Shits and fucks are simply sentence enhancers


I legit cant lmao

Youā€™re legit making yourself look worse by doing that

Ok lets take an example

I call your read not correct

You take that as me calling you bad at mafia

You get more biased and angry

One of many examples where you change the initial thing I said only to turn it agaisnt me

Doesnā€™t change a fact you wonā€™t achieve much this way.

Go to the article, read first paragraph.
Itā€™s actually worth your time.

Next paragraphs are going bit more in-depth, but first one would be enough.

Ok so how do you suppose I handle this.

Iā€™ve explained the reasoning behind my questions, for NoNameā€™s argument against me.

Minā€™s argument against me I can understand, me disappearing day 2 is probably my fault. The other part about me not solving is kinda meh since we literally had 2 scum locked down. Not much I could solve.

The other people voting me I have no idea

You didnā€™t call my read incorrect cut the bs youā€™re acting like you actually normally said that and youā€™re trying to antagonize me now

You literally first got so pissed off when I mentioned the chance of you being cl and then when I got mad at you being mad you literally said I played bad

Can you like actually stop acting like you didnā€™t say anything youā€™re literally steps from leafia at this moment and if ur actual scum ur gonna get found out just like her.

Getting mad over a read which wasnā€™t even solid easily makes u look bad so maybe donā€™t look bad and you wouldnā€™t be seen as scum ez

but like you gonna too far with Cent saying you are bad


Just stop

This is creating an oppressive atmosphere in thread and will hinder deduction as a result


Iā€™m leaving thread for rest of day

Voting intensify now sorry

LOL okay

min, you are not sorry.

You are fighting for dominance over Centuries instead of trying to understand what are theirs motivations.

Wait so to be sure, Iā€™m not pissing off anyone here right? Like I know Iā€™m being pushed but I hope Iā€™m not making anyone mad still.

Can you maybe not act like you know what Iā€™m feeling thanks

I was told to stop the argument and I did also I said sorry to intensify because I personally like him friend wise despite scumreading not anyone else

Also love how I canā€™t even not be mocked while leaving thread lol nice

Maybe Iā€™m doing what several people have told me to do?? To stop an argument?? Wow

Apparently doing that is wrong now lol

Where is everyone btw.

I know NoName, Min, Cent, Eevee and Me were here. But I expected someone else to get on.

The initial argument is that youā€™re literally pushing for someone who fmpov can only be convert and preflipping me as CL who recruited them

The second world is pushing someone who cannot be cl fmpov as CL

both are pretty wrong imo thus i will fight the push agaisnt it

Iā€™m not scum for being agaisnt the push, youā€™re not accounting foe you know, me being town protecting a TR of mine

Anyway yeah Iā€™m leaving until the next day the most Iā€™ll do is lurk

Scum should kill me now at this point if Iā€™m beinf honest

Iā€™m not preflipping anyone

I literally stated a simple chance

Ok yeah Iā€™m leaving idc enough

See u guys tommorow

See you I guess.