[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins


I want to understand what are you and your PoV.

Since Intensify claims they know about plague and you definitely knowed about it back on day 2, when Seth was lynched.
But then Seth claimed professor and you said you are not one.

So this is something… even else?

Please, explain to me this incoherency and where your current PoV stays at.

Maybe just maybe I lied about something

There are 2 options.

Either you lied about not being professor
You lied about knowing about plague being as mechanic.

If that’s the second one, that lie was… actuallly making Seth’s claim way more blivable and I would want to know, why would you do that.

It’s not the second one

Okay Centuries.
Then I have one last question.

If you are professor, why did you just ask if one is guaranteed to spawn?
It would mean you know that one spawned, so this information wouldn’t be clearing at all for Intensify.

Yet you asked for it.

You also just said that


I want to understand how can you read someone as town for being only doc claim, when you are the doc yourself.

It doesn’t make sense for me, you know?

Mhh I didnt wanna out yet, I wanted to see if anyone would come to his defense

So I knew Seth was not professor bc of how he outed (how long it took) if his target had the plague

Knowing Min was also my n1 target and I got no feedback on him, thus learning he didnt have the plague I also wanted to see if I could catch him on that

Also I may have 1 more heal left and I may have faked having used it on myself earlier on and maybe I wanted to bait out a scum NK on Min

I finished my chem test

Read from like 15 posts above my ping.

It might be worth something.



Only one question I think u could answer

nk shows in faction checks right? Like would it say neutral or something


So once again, if you are willing to help me understand it.

You thought Intensify is town due to knowing min has no plague night 1, right?
How clearing was that for you, considering scum probably knows who is plagued and there might be no plagued patients at begin of night 1 to begin with?

And also, question about why did you ask if professor is guaranteed to spawn?
I still don’t get it how this helps you if you would know that one already spawned.

I have no idea.

There was no NK in Deus Ex 3.
I can dig up to Deus Ex 2, where one existed, but… I mostly believe that it would be something completly new.

Alright I see

Time to yeet away again.

I think he’s town due to following
Social Play
Being aware you dont get feedback if no plague

I think its moreso knowing doctor feedback than knowing who is plagued

honestly i just asked that just for the sake of asking plus for trying to look like not professor. claiming so early wasnt in my plan

Apparently it actually could chose between different abilities at start of the game in Deus Ex 2.

Like choosing weapons and mods, which could give cleaned kills / check immunity / strongman kills and others.

Being aware you don’t get feedback if no plague (?)

For me it sounds like they didn’t get feedback n2 due to enforcers, but they did night 1?

End of days in like 3 hours right?

I’ll give it the vote soon if not much happens just want to be careful at putting someone on L-1