[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Oh yeh so how did Min get nothing on you anyways if you’re not Enforcer?
Little confused here

Ignore scumposts and role fishing :slight_smile:

I had nothing to do with what happened to Eevee

I’m just asking how that works bruh.

I don’t think Eevee is scum but why would I ignore that? Eevee obviously doesn’t need to answer if they don’t want to

then why bother asking the question?

Because I have no idea if I missed something?

Like you saw there with CRich, CRich got confused. I’m asking to clear up confusion

He hasn’t said how exactly

Ok cool.

I do see one benefit from explaining it rn tbh.

Cant gotta run hone and grab work stuff then go to work

up to you , but we’re cool g

Someone @ me with who to shoot before EoD tho

Aren’t you supposed to shoot Eli?

@SirDerpsAlot eli

What part

I still think the way he claims it makes some sense if ure talking plague

I still think it stands tbh

I think he’s town socially

I dont think the way he claims it makes it so he says he got feedback

@SirDerpsAlot Eli is the best choice here.

He claims he can heal so I need a watcher :man_shrugging:t2:

Lynch eli shoot intensify?

they can both heal.

I still dont understand the reasoning behind Intensify scum