[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins


Funny fact.
“Asignment” ability isn’t on NSF Goon rolecard, yet they lose it uppon promotion.

Rich, no one claimed ops bonus on the day pkr died.

Oh I was confused. I misread you and thought you scum read me after I claimed.
My mistake :flushed:

Is that a funny error or do you think it’s something else

its probably just when they become new GF, it replace that ability with strongman.

If anything it means that Leader has “Asignment” ability which for some reason is not inherited by Goon.

Ohh okay

Makes sense

Tinfoil the ops bonus was given to pkr, yet rich didn’t see anyone but leafia

Couldve been Leafia or Seth

aren’t you the one who can give op bonus

No it’s different

Seth was dead, and imagine leafia getting the bonus after hard defending scum

It has to be either Leafia or Seth as anyone else would have claimed to get Ops bonus.
Yet neither of them did.


meh just the Illuminati Chief I was looking at said it can pretend to give op bonus.

Anyway if the rolestoppers have any charges left, you might want to considering WIFOM on myself or any one who is confirmed starting town.
Seems I just put a bull’s eye on my back.

I have 1 charge left like I’ve said before but I’m leaving it up to interpretation if I’m doing anything tonight

I’ll do something

Imagine having shots left

I have some idea actually rn.