[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Like… what do you mean by push exactly?
Seth was redchecked
Leafia had bad reactions
CRich was a top townread for me.
Also do you think me being self-aware of being inactive is necessarily bad? Cause honestly I’m just admitting that some parts of what I did this game wasn’t exactly the best.

So for Night 1, did you think you were the only protective or something?

Also what motivated you to use all of your heals, you weren’t in the spotlight at all for D1 and D2.

He was for me too but he slipped and was basically lockscum at that point


Self aware about being inactive because you were being SR’ed over it

Of course not. Why do you think that?

I wasn’t in the spotlight yes, but I was aware I had a high chance of being attacked. I’m using all my abilities early so that if the chance of me not being able to use them is reduced, since if I die like night 4 and I saved both my heals, welp there goes doctor and oh he didn’t do anything because he saved both heals.

Also you still didn’t push

Even if they’re redchecked u try especially since they can pull a “scum bus driver”

Ah I see. Well do you think that it’s bad that I am acknowledging that some things I have done this game is fair for reason for suspecting me?

Why? Min was becoming a consenus townread for D1 due to newb behaviour. You would atleast expect them to have a protective or two.

Why was that?

No personally I don’t think it’s bad to aknowledge but I feel like it makes you look scummier when you do like an entire 180 in your activity of posting immediately added on with everything else honestly

You went from not being active at all to instantly being much more active

Sure…? But that doesn’t mean I don’t protect them still?

I was being townread I believe, Min, Crich, Cent, Gorta (Kinda), etc.
I don’t really wanna brag but I thought I was in a townier position

Ok then Min I have a question. Do you think it’s scummy to be inactive?

Ok sure.
But if I recall correctly, day 2 and day 3 when both people were essentially redchecked, I was using what time I had those days to try to get content out of other people.
I wasn’t pushing, but I was trying to get content out of other people. If you consider pushing to be fighting and voting someone, welp I don’t like to get into fights. What could I really say

As far as we know on day 2, min gave you like little to no attention. Cent and Gorta were very inactive. CRich has TMI.

hmm I swear this might point something in the right direction. Something about scum and nightkills.

Intesnify accepted his fate yday without giving any reads or alternative lynches: /

Hmmm perhaps it might have been because we had a thunderdome
Also I don’t see how this affects Min’s read on me that day.

Ah yes they were inactive, but you see, they still gave reads.
CRich was scum yes, but would you not think scum would want their townreads dead?

The point is, I don’t see why you would have a high chance of being attacked.

I gave up
I was thinking NoName scummy and was semi-pushing Whysper before they got greencheck cleared I believe.
No one really wanted to give more reasons to push me, and everyone just all kinda ganged up on me

well yes because there is something called 4 enforcer claims.

Which part are you responding to?


Do you think it was bad reasoning?

It’s more that you have little understanding of what happened in the thread.

I have a conflicting claim with Eevee, Whysper, Soul.

I wasn’t aware that they were greenchecked until Amelia came.

when they were greenchecked, it really didn’t matter FMPOV.