[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

You see how that is uninspiring in a game where nsf got slam dunked. Was there anything updated in your will at the time?

I donā€™t get how this matters?
4 Enforcers at the time.
2 of them were greenchecked.
I considered Eevee townier than you

Wdym I have little understanding of what happened.

Eevee confirmed his rolestop N3.

Both Whysper and Soul were greenchecked.

It depends on a lot of factors.

This could be you shifting attention

I donā€™t think thatā€™s pushing, but you never even really questioned anything or even asked like rarely any questions to said person being pushed by others.

Donā€™t give up youā€™re not the only one who thinks this and greencheck means like nothing in this game anymore

Yes, everyone was mechcleared in a sense. The last one was youā€¦
I feel like Iā€™m missing something here

Wtf are these broken quotes

Ahh yes I should vote myself since everyone but me is cleared.

Trust me, on mobile shit gets even worse

Iā€™m on mobile :sob:

I never said you should self-vote?

Donā€™t give up on ur reads

Just because eevee backed up from their enforcer claim doesnā€™t mean anything I quite frankly believe that one if not all of them are suspicious

Soul is not nsf and probably not cl (in theory he could have claimed a recruited enforcers role but thatā€™s p tinfoil). What with being the 4th enforcer claim and all.

He can still be converted

I personally think a world where whys is cl and atnoname and soul are converts can exist

Well you see.
It gets very demotivating when everyone gangs up on you and itā€™s like the last hour before EOD so you even if you tried to escape being lonched, you couldnā€™t. Plus, I tried to defend myself. I asked for the reasonings behind my push, not many gave the reasons and when I try to debunk them, everyone just kinda ignored my answer

What type of factors?
Anyways did you think it was scummy for me to go inactive day 2?

Or it could be me literally trying to get content out of people I wasnā€™t satisfied with.
Even if I was scum and was trying to shift attention, it wouldā€™ve been a crap move. PKR was deadset on killing Seth, and there was no way we probably couldā€™ve lonched someone outside of them.

What do you think there was to question exactly?
It was PKR and Seth, thunderdome. I did say something something ā€œThe power of this role seems a little absurdā€ but PKR just said his role was part of the flavor.

Ok thanks?

Did you connect the dots?

Put yourself in my shoes.

If someone usually plays active or inactive, if they weirdly are not super active and then suddenly get active after only being jabbed about it (and I donā€™t mean slowly get more active I mean suddenly they talk all the time)

Your responses to my other quotes obviously could make sense if you are town, but they could also not if youā€™re scum.

Also thatā€™s not optional if youā€™re reading people then giving up it looks more like shade

But how does this affect the reasoning for me suspecting you that day?
Like if I was in your shoes and if youā€™re town, then sureā€¦ I guess?
Tbh Iā€™m not sure what I would have done there either.

So you believe me going inactive day 2 was scummy correct?

Yes I do