[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

When did I say I want to change your read on me? I was saying but you had little or no understanding of the thread.

Alright, thatā€™s fine. I canā€™t argue with that.

But then I want to talk about this.
So if you think me going inactive is scummy, why do you think itā€™s scummy for me to acknowledge I was doing a scummy thing and for me to no longer do that scummy thing?

The way you transitioned from being inactive to being active seems scummy

I donā€™t even know what you want me to doā€¦
I was just justifying my read that day on youā€¦

What do you believe would have been a townier way then?

I think if you were inactive for technical or personal reasons it makes no sense to suddenly be able to be one of the most active people when you previously werenā€™t

Ah but you see.
If you look on the calender, it says Saturdayā€¦
Itā€™s the weekends I have all day long to talk this over

Fair enough.

Oh yeh I said I was distracted by Minecraft as well.
There wasnā€™t any personal or technical reasons

I canā€™t think of anyone who is NSF leader other than you.

Then weā€™ve miscleared someone

so who is it then?

Thatā€™s what I want to figure out today.

Even if Iā€™m CL.
Weā€™ve still miscleared a NFW then.
Converts can be dealt with later.

Alright I kinda exist but Iā€™m tired

Accused Voters Count
Intensify SoulShade55r, Min, AtNoName 3/6

So like

Intensify is Probabaly Illuminati at the very least

Bruh I thought I just resolved all the arguments and reasoning against me.

I was just greenchecked.
So no not really. Unless Illuminati Leader has invest-immunity

Iā€™m not gonna re-evaluate my reads because

  1. I still donā€™t know who else could be NSF other than you
  2. just because you answered doesnā€™t mean you get cleared.

Well clearly thereā€™s something wrong then, we have 2 starting scum + converts still

It means that I just cleared every reason that you had to push me.