[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

You will win em over unless converted, trust in urself.

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Derps is someone who youā€™re better off waiting until D2 to try to read them.
Iā€™ve had that happen from past games with him.

why though? From my one game with the guy, despite him being p solid, he didnā€™t really make himself obvious until going mod confirmed execute immune. And even after that itā€™s not like his play became more clear.

My last game with Derps was FoL 30 when he was town.
Thatā€™s my experience with him.

Gl reading him down the line :joy_cat:

Yeah I think Iā€™ll need it.
As the saying goes. Not everyone is made from the same cookie cutter.
Thatā€™s the way it works.

Iā€™m anticipating day 2 soul read on the guy. I believe in you :pray:

Iā€™m gonna go sleep now and Iā€™ll try and make sure Iā€™m up by before eod

In case Iā€™m not awake I only request healing on me thatā€™s it you donā€™t have to but Iā€™d honestly prefer it

Im Definitely sleeping through eod today

if you kill me youā€™re a bitch, and if you convert me youā€™re trash

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To anyone who is asleep EoD, this is a reminder that real life comes 1st.
That would be great meme sleep

Reminder to stay indoors and play eod mafia on lynch days.

Wow only 600 posts

Well time to wip ouy my old turd pc and get some reads done

Why hello Soulshade.
Yeah this D1 isnā€™t the most active since there is no D1 cuddle.

I assume we have a few hours left, so I will also be catching up.
I can make GTH reads if wanted but I think I will do bigger ISO dives and walls during the night in my class card pm.

I havenā€™t been able to sleep sadly due to loluti

I tried to earlier but itā€™s bad rn

We have 6 hours left of D1.
The opening post says every day except D1 is 48 hours long, which is 24 hours long instead.


Uh that doesnā€™t good.
Shouldnā€™t you see a doctor for that?

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Glad soul is awake to catch up and Iā€™m also glad pkr can help clear stuff out now Iā€™m just hoping our nonposter comes out before eod

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