[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I thought he said something about it idr.

I feel pinged.

That there CAN roll one, not that one HAS TO exist. Itā€™s semi-openā€¦ or rather semi-closed setup.

Itā€™s also confirmed to be able to exist by existance of NSF ninja.


I wouldnā€™t count on it, even if it makes sense.

Can everyone be more active? We need to yeet someone and we can do that when 2 people are voting

sure letā€™s call all the illuminati and NSF to yeet Eevee :slight_smile:.

what could go wrong?

@Amelia @Soulshade55r @SirDerpsAlot @Whysper @eevee @ErikaFurudo

Some of you need to engage more today. Talk and place a vote

Eod is tomorrow Iā€™m pretty sure. Iā€™d rather us not be dead by then.

Not dead but like dead in thread

Who exactly do you have in mind

I think at is gf tbh

Even if I feel bad that he looks like his wim is nonexistent I still think heā€™s evil

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Iā€™ll do my best

schoolwork combined with procrastinating is a thing

Thatā€™s valid

I at least would like a vote so day doesnā€™t end without a yeet

Iā€™ll be off and on here for the next hour or so. Iā€™ll still be back again in about 8 or so hours from now to check on who we decide to vote for.

is it weird that we donā€™t have a single clue on whos the Illuminati leader?

wait a sec

Whysper go on say what you want to say.

Yeah, I still think it is weird that no Illuminati have been lynched nor night killed accidentally or intentionally. Also, I really think there should be a neutral player related to the test subject/patient zero.

Ok listen, I have a theory.

Eevee is Illuminati Leader.

Thatā€™s an actually interesting theory expand on it