[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Yeah I should but rn it is currently 5:15 am and my parents aren’t even awake lol so I’m watching YouTube I guess and when soul and pkr catch up I can converse w them too

Ok I had to have a shower but I’m on my pc now

I’m just going to

Top > Bottom poster unless someone is standing out

Yo min wtf your literally one third of the thread


c) Super Cringe but also Based.

This comes across as slight shade throwing but more from a town POV imo, Mins pretty new so I don’t expect them to be too town like.

I can’t comment on the intensify being forced yet but I do realise people have serval reasons to be more forced and it comes down to players but actually a big thing when your town is that you want to come across as town to help town.

Early reads list depends on if they got asked or not but I’m going to assume not for now.
Early reads come across townie while someone demanding you for reads and you just agree is scummy on both sides. (demanding reads early game is scummy and doesn’t allow people to naturally flow)

:thinking: forshadowing

This comes from confident scum or meme town.
I think the second one from min

Solid reads I’ll make my own judgement when I get to Intensify. plus da others,

I mnea most of yours are memes (hence me skipping most of them). But I feel like you’ve actually done something,

One thing to note is Crich normally comes across as obvious town or scum to others maybe that’s changed recently but I need to note this down :]

nah this newbie town. Heck mins actually doing well for newbie town.

I didn’t even know we had a Cult Leader or NK???
If its Multiple scums I highly doubt we have nk in play.


Min is overall Newbie Townie or over confident newb wolf

I’d go for the first one :joy_cat:

I need to look into the people making weak arugements like


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Imagine calling someone a wolf when they claim a class that doesn’t exist in this setup. LUL

I mean I know scum can do it because it can appear townie to be a newb or act obviously scummy enough to not be scum.

Not saying it’s a legit thing that doesn’t happen but at the same time it’s so easy to tell that it’s nearly not enough to go by and stating the obvious that “yo it might be a wolf guys they joking about being wolf” to me comes across as someone trying to pass lazy reads


Comes across as important town or wolf to me I’m going to leave them in null zone for now but they can flip pretty easily for me. I was struggling a bit to find stuff to comment on tbh.

Funny way to start out with reads.

Sit here and hope to make reads while not appearing as obvious town aka the impossible.

I feel like you come across too paranoid.

Seems like they don’t really care much about min claiming scum ironically I think this feels more townie then someone pointing out how min is scum.

Honestly Min comes across as a newb town tryharding to me so it might be harder to catch.

Just a lot of weird posts :I

ok? like this seems important to a town win or scum lol

Thats for Erika ^ I put the “summary” IN THE summary

I’m tired soz

Hmmm PKR doesn’t have their tiered read list which I expect from them by now and they’ve dropped off noticeably.
This slot might be scum going UTR. I’ll keep an eye on this slot.

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I’ll look into him too at somepoint

Pkr is actually pretty decently active as town from memory

its ur important tonw,something something impossible obvtowning, imoirtant oaranoid scum, woh denies noob town allegations and playing to any winvon reporting for duty o7

yo not cool if your important keep acting scummy and bounce back tomorrow.

if Not then I advise being super townie and hope theirs a way to prevent converts and protection is on you

lil pump huh?

I don’t follow you but k :=)


Idk how to interpret this my brain small : (

I hate auto emojis can you turn it off

im convinced they make alll ur emoji autocat. i think its terminal :frowning:

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It’s a tough world we live in but there’s some things you just gotta live with like auto emojis