[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

People have work and school and other stuff

Hey @SirDerpsAlot, compare this to Leafia.

Also, in what way does my defense have to be good. Iā€™m essentially alone so anyone can easily say I could be gf since NSF should have only 1 member remaining.

I know the thing is

Nobody has like

Been on at all less active then usual even with work school etc

Iā€™m probably getting too worked up with Min rn.

if you could, we could discuss when Min isnā€™t on.

Whatā€™s going on

Iā€™m so done

You guys wanna lose the game? Thatā€™s on you

Iā€™m leaving thread fuck this Iā€™m so angry I literally broke up with someone today and THEYRE starting crap with me and so all this is doing is making me feel worse

If you guys refuse to see and realize everything you can lose and I donā€™t care anymore

Yes, true. It does seem less active recently. But we also have less people left, so thatā€™s part of it. People like CRich were usually on around this time.




Iā€™m totally fucking trying to appeal to emotion here yeah totally

I donā€™t care I literally do not care

nobody has listened to me the entire game unless Iā€™ve been agressive and at that point Iā€™m apparently so bad so it doesnā€™t matter anymore xd

I mean you are?

Just lose idc lose the game cuz you want to listen to the gf

Iā€™m not trying to

I said why I was upset and why I probably was gonna leave

Iā€™m not using it to push anything

Thatā€™s is false

Not sure why youā€™re mad at me tho idek whatā€™s going on

Ah yes derps me breaking up with my partner is a reason why you should vote at

I totally said that

ok I think you need to chill

I mean AtE is often basically just a guilt trip

Real or not

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Iā€™m in a crazy world where Derps is the voice of reason. Haha. :slight_smile: