[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I would

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I know

See the way her also makes sense


If they were NSF lead they would know that Eli was a doc and be able to claim the watch with relative safety

I mean it was super obvious what you were doing

Except if they would be cult leader, but pretty easy to do, yeah.
Only problem is min claiming prevented on me.

Yeah but if they were cult leader what are they gonna do

Out that they didnā€™t visit themselves?

No like, if they didnā€™t visit themselves and I just randomly guessed they did, there would be a chance they are actually immune cult leader (or protected by other cultist or whatever).

Which doesnā€™t really add up with NSF attacking them, if they were hunting illuminati.

But as I said - thatā€™s not very big of inconsistency.

I guess nothing else will happen

If I gave a shot to convert vig, I only did cause we need a town vig rn. I wanna hit amelia or whysper today. Just read any of their posts yday. The best one between the two of them is about playing fe6.

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This game requires you and derps to not be converted to even be winnable

You are both wrong, thatā€™s funny.

Okay, letā€™s get down to sorting stuff.

Today should be full of TMI and pushes, considering NSF has finally some sort of information.
So letā€™s see day start and pushes / theories about what happened at night:

Whysper - no one attacked
Amelia - Soul / Whysper
Derps - Min (?)
Soul - Amelia (?)
Min - No pushes?

Those are basing on who went agianst who after daystarted.

Soulā€™s one is with question mark, since basicly they were only answering Ameliaā€™s push.
Derpā€™s one is with question mark, due to no reliable push, more justā€¦ trying to figure out if we lynch min today.

Minā€¦ had literally almost zero suspects.
Like they do talk about conversions but not give anything about ā€œcan be CLā€ way.

Which gets us back to Whysper / Amelia.

So either Whysper attacked noone orā€¦ Amelia attacke Soul / Whysper and noone died.

Sooooā€¦ @Soulshade55r do you want to claim that you protected self?

Itā€™s up to you to interpretate that I will say I wouldnā€™t be on any one else apart from myself or erika right now derps would make me prevent that visit

Iā€™d figure my action might be the reason why their was no kill but Iā€™m just assuming things

Noone would attack Erika at this point, so there is big difference between those 2 actions.



Why would Derps prevent anything?

Me being on derps would prevent the visit from erika