[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I can’t be converted if I’m convert immune

I’m joking before anyone asks I swear if someone takes that post out of context and calls me the nk I’m dead

Not everyone is perfect why would Someone purposely make themselves look like scum by actively purposely pushing town like

Yes I’m not perfect that’s not a viable reason why to yeet me today

Maybe blame the people who sheeped under me and didn’t question me at all knowing I’m obviously not the best at the game

I’ve explained WHY I talk a lot if u wanna just basically pick at how I play and use that as an excuse to kill me that’s just you I doubt you’re pushing for my death with good intentions

So anyone got any votes to announce before I plop mine on amelia?

so you think eevee is cl?

so you think eevee is cl??

How long is it until eod again

There’s also the problem that said town was voting you.

idk, later but while I’m probably sleeping


you don’t think soul made a save?

9ish hours

9ish hours and no idea who were yeeting?

YKnow what

I’m gonna vote amelia n then I’m gonna just go


We’re probably losing anyway at this point.


This game sucked and I played bad lol

So much that ppl think I’m evil when I’m literally not

I’ll make sure whatever’s next I don’t play bad

I’ve gotten actual good advice this game so that’s cool