[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Hence me double checking people like eevee as silly as it may sound…

Definitely can’t trust anyone after recent games of social clearing

I definitely don’t think you’d make some weird master plan with bussing or at least the way you interacted with leafia

The only way I can see it go down is if someone competent like richard was “pulling the strings”

Well i picked up on that

U don’t diee

I think gf is whys simply

Also I don’t see signals? I wasn’t trying to signal them

it was early so I probably sounded weird but If they were gf I couldn’t work with them

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I think I’d not be nearly as active as i am if I was doomed scum but I can only speak for myself

I mean my last scum game I literally open wolfed under pressure

Open wolfing moment

I can be open with you…
I let a wolf into my life

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I mean look what happened to seth he opened a wolf into is life and got outed as scum.

Rip to seth

I think it would be best to vote whys or no hammer imo

But tbats my opinion

God Leafia and seth in a scum team woth whys sounds horrible thinking about it

Well i am fine with voting whys now i do want to hear from them but I need to sleep and might not be up at end of day

Vote them and sleep

There’s no need to worry abt a hammer I doubt erika will hammer yet

I’ll probs in like 30 minutes I wanted to get stuff done first (IRL)


Eeeee time to vote.

I’m still going with whys here i migjt not be awake at end of day.

I do hope you come to the “right conclusion” if whysper is seemingly townie enough or has reason to be cleared I would say vote min but I can’t really talk I’m sorry that i need to sleep I’m just too tired rn

Gonna sleep too so I’m gonna vote
I hope u guys don’t hammer But I don’t know

I slept at 5 and woke up at 8 so yeah 3 hours of sleep is not enough


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