[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I’m being useful. :slight_smile:

Accused Voters Count
Surge PokemonKidRyan, Centuries, ErikaFurudo 3/9

So far so good

in that one multiball SFoL game with 2 bad factions having 2 starting members each there were more players

multiple illuminati?

Yeah of course the nature of your role is iust…too specific to be evil but idk I could be wrong

If there’s an nk I doubt it would be like a mystic/reversenoble but you can also kill Because lol type of thing

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You’re also acting pretty good socially imo anyway

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Anyway time to read some more people and update on others

It is not often I hear this in a FM game.
So I thank you lol

Thanks, I havent being informed of the update.

I have a friend who created one of those. As for my thoughts on this whole situation, Seth’s reply to it wasn’t anything like I expected so I’m not sure what to think right now honestly.

Seth is very buyable though, so I still think it’s a possibility that we need to consider.


Honestly not really a lot for me to comment rn.

I think pkr outing this info early killed any pushes or reads we could have gotten out of today.

I think it makes a bit more sense as scum than it does as town honestly.

Yeah me too.

That’s the main complaint I have against it too.

Confused pkr
How… exactly?

Again, I do apologise but I still want us to do reads and interact somewhat if possible.

If nobody wants to bother due to me outing too early then we can go to the night and hopefully I can be give the ops bonus and get to do magic.

Because by setting our sights on only one possible lynch, we end up ignoring other possibilities that could possibly yield scum since the discussion is centered around the thunderdome.

Don’t think this is bussing, mostly because ive stated earlier if PKR was scum, he would probably not be NSF. If we are going on Illuminati starting with CL, PKR would’ve been alone. I don’t think he’s bussing Seth here.

Plus, Seth didn’t at all give the best argument. He basically was like pkr probaby evil and left. PKR seems much more towny at the moment, and that isn’t saying much.

Either PKR or Seth have to die today, and im leaning towards seth. If he flips bad then boom we kill pkr and if we somehow happen to have a framer/mindwarper then well we’re a bit fucked arent we.

yeah tbh at this point i think we give good thoughts and talk about this later on. we kinda already have a rough idea on what we’re doing in result of this redcheck therefore we should just be alive and active and give thoughts. some people here still need to genuinely give more content.

“gonna post reads” bwbaabh i would but i feel a bit 2 lazy rn to look through and read ppls isos therefore im just gonna focus on whats currently happening in chat ig but it sucks that like nobody is here