[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

That’s true.
That’s why I’m still making reads.

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No reason to end the day and end discussion time super early because of a redcheck like you know they’re evil but they’re not the only evil

If I need to be ML’ed I can at least give solves

Can you tell me your thoughts on some people?

Yeah. Starting to see it. Surge is likely scum here. He never acts like this as town honestly, even when accused. He’s reminding me of how he was in Insurgency at the moment.

I have the link in OP

That’s false.

btw I intentionally left a hole in scenario 2 how tf scum know PKR’s role or abilities.

Your usage of selfmeta is so dumb lmao

I like meta reading people but hate it when people go noooooo i act like "x"when I’m scum.

Well I’m going to get off now.
I’ll try and be on later.

It’s true and you know it. You’re caught scum that has been boxed in. How do you feel right now?

Does leafia normally 180 like this?

Sometimes. It’s called changing my mind due to how someone is acting.

Still thinking she’s way off tbh

you are not dipping today

What do you mean exactly?

He might actually have to do important stuff let his actions speak for himself

I’m not scum but I really can’t do anything because I got fucked by scum.
So strategically speaking it may be better if I die here as I could be a liability later unless the Scum Redirector dies.

Why are you so flip floppy all the time