[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

True doctors prefer to stay inconspicious, which would have been the case if PKR didn’t claim a red check on Surge.

Socially Surge is not the best, though mech wise their doctor claim checks out.
As you can tell. I’m conflicted on Surge.

I don’t think it checks out. Two saves n1 is crazy unlikely. Does derps know he wasn’t role blocked, or are we just guessing?

I suspect Derps knows he wasn’t role blocked, otherwise why claim to have attempted to kill Eevee?
It’s the only information we have and there doesn’t seem to be any information contradictory to that story.

Scum doctor that can place bombs maybe xd

The only thing that has me the teensiest bit of doubt if that he mentioned plague in his role pm. While that sounds somewhat legit, I feel he should be able to give us some info about it.

We’ll ask them about the plague once they’re talking again.

Which would be pretty OP if that is the case.

Hi CRich. One thing I was wondering/confused about was why Eevee was asking to be shot. It’s like they expected to survive and that there would be a benefit. Is that some sort of special role?

I honestly am confused as to what Eevee is thinking sometimes.
They’re one of the more interesting players on this website.
As to why Eevee asked to be shot, you’re better off asking them directly.

Whysper who do you think is town from your PoV?
I’m thinking Intensify, Derps, Erika and Min as likely town here.
Depending on if we resolve the PKR/Surge thunderdome, it’s a coin toss as to what alignments Surge and PKR are here, though PKR outing their info the way they did doesn’t look scummy.

I saw that Eevee gave some cryptic messages relating to this, so I doubt they will explain more. :slight_smile:

For town, right now I have Gorta, Intensify, and ATNo as TRs. I have Centuries, PKR, Leafia, and you as TLs.

I haven’t seen enough of Derps yet, though he might be TL too.

Min I’m being a little cautious about for some of the same reasons Leafia had after the game with GGhana. Definitely not comparing Min to GGhana, but GGhana did open my mind to worlds where newbies who post a lot and seem comfortable right away aren’t necessarily town lock. I just get a bit of a weird vibe from Min that worries me. But not really SLing them either.

I’m surprised that you have Erika as likely town. I’ve been SLing her, and I got the impression that a number of others are as well.

Besides the Seth-PKR thunderdome which probably means I’ll vote for Seth today, I think Eli is my highest SL/SR. He’s definitely doing the lurking bit he’s known for as scum.

If it weren’t for the PKR/Surge thunderdome, the people who i’d be pushing today would be Eli, Amelia, Eevee, and Gorta.
Gorta is the one I’m least sure about as their D1 was rather lackluster, though they’ve recovered from that.
At best they’re a null to me.

As you can see in the voting thread, I’m not voting Surge right away as I don’t want quick hammer to kill off discussion time.

Ahh yes, Amelia. I think this might be my first game with her. I have her as null and you are probably right that she’s one to start pushing more.

Gorta does seem to have gotten back to his normal town self, so I’m okay with TRing him for now.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that there’s a whole other thread for voting. I need to go look at that.

So why do you have Erika as likely town? Was there something particular they said, or just a general tone? I think you played a recent game with her, right?