[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

NM it was nothing

It was part of FoL.

Sorc is literally just sk + arson

No shit.
The word ā€œbombā€ was there so I wanted to double check Sorcerer did that.

Itā€™s also possible they targeted the other scum team and not their own buddy.
PKR was Redirected to the Bomber.
Thatā€™s it.

The only thing I know of is the Plague and Iā€™m still confused what that is.
Also does anyone know what the bomb does?

How big do you think both scum teams are??

Yes like the converting minority starts with a redirector and a converter

Iā€™m thinking of 3 for the NSF, 1 for the illuminati and 1 NK

I honestly didnā€™t read this setup I just know Iā€™m UNATCO Professor
Doctor Class

Well who do you think the NSF/Illuminati is?

Letā€™s assume I already flipped Professor.
Now answer that.

we yeet PKR


Fuck I swear either you guys are all fuckin dumb or all fuckin scum.


I said donā€™t fall for scums trap

Yet your plan is to fall for their trap

The worst way to solve something is to start with your conclusion.

You didnā€™t even give me the chance to think and answer