[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

You get my point.
There are other ways to resolve and the main one is to get rid of the Scum Bus Driver to prove me.

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I wasnā€™t gonna say it but I saw quite a few people were sring her and saying she was part of nsf when I know sheā€™s unatco unless she was converted LAST night

Iā€™ve kinda already outed myself which i regret but I didnā€™t want people to say amelia was scum and misexe her or vig her and kill town

thatā€™s really hard tho

You still havenā€™t revealed how you can know that.

Seth out here going ā€œoh but look at my town game and how similar it isā€

In that town game you posted way less and you tried to find town, right here youā€™re trying to find scum thatā€™s so different what? In both Wild West and this game, youā€™re trying to find scum to save yourself.

Iā€™m aware.
But if we can do it, it will pay off well.

Because of my role

so do you only get cop guiltless on mafia lwaf?

I canā€™t possibly figure it out

This definitely isnā€™t an incredibly obvious soft

Yeah I am trying to find scum.
No shit Sherlock.

What role is that? I canā€™t think of any that could do that with 100% accuracy.

I love seth heā€™s such a damn chad

Why not just lynch the cult leader today then xd

unatco specialist

Whatā€™s that do?

Centuries has a good chance at being that considering he said what the Plague was for.

Youā€™ve tried to find 0 townies, the only town read youā€™ve voiced is on the person who redchecked you because you cannot actually SR him in a way thatā€™d save you


I have two charges of the ability to check someoneā€™s alignment

I Read Min as Town