[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I don’t even think Min gets converted just because of the fact there is probably an anti conversion role in play

If we have a scum bus driver, it has to be Centuries at this point. No other possibility exists in my mind.

Yeah I’m the scum BD, true true

Cult Leader?

Why can’t centuries just be… Another scum

Tough to say either way with any degree of certainty at present.

just keep it in mind if seth is our protection. Or something.

And why can’t I be a townie who is informed about the plague?

He’s trying way too hard to get Seth lynched, but I suppose it is a possibility.

True I might be biased I just feel like if my results were messed with then amelia would be framed

Only reason why I feel like amelia is scum here showing as unatco is funny “scum bus driver” that might exist

Because I’m Doctor that knows it exists but when you mentioned Illuminati it means your hiding information from us.

Why would I try so hard to kill Seth if I’m the scum BD? Isn’t it so easy for me to just let him die without even fighting for it?

Also how many other Doctor roles are there able to be in play other then Professor?

Framed instead of whatever the opposite is called*

I literally had TMI on your role when I asked you for whether or not Eevee had the plague what role do you believe I am

I feel that Seth is the designated misyeet for D2 honestly. That’s how it feels to me right now.

We don’t know

It’s a closed setup

Seth = our protection.

Like man… Its pretty obvious at this point we’d at least have more then one protective.

I’d hope or at least a lookout.

I doubt scum would openly kill anyone whos obvious town protective target too early anyway

It’s almost as if our protective roles just

Aren’t claiming because doing so is dumb

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Fair enough.