[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Ah yeah that would also make sense.
Amelia could be Bomber as well.

Honestly it likely doesnā€™t but letd keep going this is a nice thought exercise

but the chances of rolling 2 6ā€™s in a row is exponentially higher than just rolling one 6. Sure once you have the one 6 it doesnā€™t change, but we donā€™t know we got a 6 yet. If that makes sense.

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Accused Voters Count
Surge PokemonKidRyan, Centuries, ErikaFurudo, CRichard564, Amelia 6/9
Centuries Surge, Leafia 2/9
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The heart of approval

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Itā€™s still possible to roll two sixes in a row.


Thank you I ask not to vote surge anymore because thereā€™s not much left until majority is reached

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We still have time

I thought Centuries had more votes honestly.

@PokemonKidRyan hey pkr, are you on? Iā€™d like to know ur thoughts on this whole bus driving thing

@Whysper hello, can you be a bit more active?

weā€™d have better odds rand lynching than the odds of both pkr being redirected and min checking a gf n1.

As much as I think itā€™s pretty much still we should get rid of seth here Iā€™m not going to argue we should speed up d2

Thatā€™s never true.

we should have quick hammered cause now we have like 4 ousted roles instead of 1 :angry:

Didnā€™t even know whysper was playing wtf

Quick hammering never ends well for town.

Whysper replaced in for bernina ye

Whysper replaced in

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